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    Here at Cool Services, health and safety is our number one priority, both for you – the customer – and for our employees. That’s why we want to keep you up to date with all the latest legal changes related to this area of the industry.

    The F-Gas Regulation No 842/2006 became law on 4th July 2007. This meant that you – as the owner/operator – became liable to follow certain regulations. As experts in this industry, we are more than happy to help you conform by offering you our services and knowledge to assist in managing your plant within the regulations. 

    The following are points which are contained within the regulations: 

    1. Record keeping

    Operators of equipment containing 3kg or more will need to maintain records on the quantity and type of HFC installed.  

    2. Equipment identification

    All equipment must be labelled and identified with the type and amount of refrigerant.  

    3. Leakage inspections

    Systems shall be checked for leakage dependent on refrigerant charge. For instance;

    – 3kg charge and above – must be checked at least once every 12 months.

    – 30kg charge and above – must be checked at least once every 6 months.

    – 300kg charge and above – must be checked at least once every 3 months. 

    Environmental Protection Act

    Under the requirement of the Environmental Protection Act all Cool Services’ technicians are fully qualified and equipped to handle refrigerant gases and oils. Discharge of refrigerants to atmosphere is now a criminal offence and both the employer and the contractor are liable to prosecution. It is therefore advisable to use only qualified personnel for specialised service work such as commissioning, maintenance etc.

    We understand that complying with changes in the law can become daunting and a little overwhelming. So should you need some expert advice or any further information on these regulations, please feel free to give us a call and we will happily arrange a site meeting to discuss your requirements.